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Craft beautifully robust date components in React.

Getting Started


This SDK is actively being worked on and improved. It's in the alpha stages of development and is not ready for public use just yet.

To begin, you'll want to add the calendar-widgets package to a new or existing React project.

pnpm add calendar-widgets

To help you get started, take a look at this simple implementation of a Calendar. Here we're overriding the default component used to display a particular date with our custom variation.

We're also passing an array of custom dates. When the custom date's date aligns with the date in our CustomDay component, we'll have access to that custom date.

import React, { FC } from 'react';
import { Calendar, CustomDayProps } from 'calendar-widgets';

/* defining an optional custom day component */
const CustomDay: FC<CustomDayProps> = ({date, customDate}) => (

{customDate?.name && (

const App = () => {
return (
name: 'Lisa\'s Birthday',
date: new Date(2023, 4, 10)
// ...

Design Principles

  • Tiny learning curve. If you're already familiar with basic React concepts such as the passing of props, you'll do great.
  • Intuitive. Library users won't feel restricted in capability or design.
  • Component driven architecture. All components are designed using a component driven architecture for ease-of-maintainability.
  • No vendor lock-in. Utilize your own state management libraries, CSS Frameworks, localization managers. We're only using React and React-DOM as peer dependencies here allowing your team to choose their preferred tools.
  • Sensible default behavior Components do what you expect them to do, out-of-the box.
  • Liftable. All components, helpers and type declarations utilize JSDocs and are safe and accessible for you to use in your application.

Is this the right solution for me?

Our focus here is to provide library-users with the bare-bones functionality needed to develop calendar and date related interfaces. With an approach like this, there is less room for us to press our opinions on your team and more room for your team to focus on what matters - extending the components to meet a products needs.

You could also explore comparable tools within the open source community. These libraries usually come with additional features and functionalities, though they may require a steeper learning curve.